Month: July 2023

America Rising 2 enters Closed Testing

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to share a very exciting update with you all. As of last month, America Rising 2 entered its closed testing period!

I’ve been hard at work with my amazing volunteer testers catching and fixing all sorts of quirks. Over the past month, the mod has really come along nicely. Having other people play it for the first time after so many years has been amazing, and really helpful.

In another exciting update, voice acting work has begun! I’ve been writing up scripts for all the characters, and have reached out to all the original voice cast. Many of them will be returning which is very exciting – and some have already turned in their work! I’m immensely greatful to all of them for being willing to donate their time to this, as most of them are now professional voice actors!

Not long now until release. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for the support and patience.

Posted by Thomas in America Rising 2