America Rising 2 delayed to next year

Hey everyone,

I have some bad news to share today. Despite my best efforts, America Rising 2 will not be releasing this year.

Despite my best efforts, I still need a lot more time to get the mod into the polished, stable and feature-complete state it deserves to be in. I’ve been working on America Rising 2 almost every day after work the entire year. I’ve made an enormous amount of progress, but there’s still some big tasks left and with the holiday period coming up; I owe it to myself to take a break and recharge. I hope you can understand.

I’m targeting early next year, and I am fairly hopeful about it.

Progress Report

To try and balance out the bad news, I thought I’d share just how far America Rising 2 has come:

  • The Enclave main quest is completed and fully playable
  • The Enclave main quest’s integration with the Fallout 4 main quest is completed
  • There is a way to destroy the Enclave should you get kicked out/leave/install the mod on a save where you would not be able to join them
  • Most Enclave NPCs are fully implemented
  • All locations are fully implemented
  • All weapons are fully implemented
  • All armor is fully implemented
  • Most clothing is fully implemented

There’s still a couple more things to do – a few lingering art assets, random encounters, generic dialogue, voice acting and last but not least; polish and bugfixes.

I know this will be disappointing to a lot of you – none more than me – but I’m sure you’ll all understand me putting family and wellbeing first.

I look forward to putting this mod out there next year, and I’m sure once it’s in your hands you’ll see why it has taken as long as it has. Thanks again for your patience, and I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year!